National Phenology Network

The National Phenology Network is an initiative from the College of Geography of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. It began its activities in 2010 in the states of Mexico, Michoacán, Campeche, and Quintana Roo. In 2013 it started collaborating with Alternare, A.C. and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve’s communities. The Network conducts diverse trainings to understand how plants and animals respond to possible climate changes and how people can use phenological information to face these challenges.

The technical work team is made up of Dr. Leticia Gómez Mendoza (College of Geography, UNAM) and MS Erika Rocío Reyes González (Postgraduate in Geography, UNAM) specialists in geography and phenology, as well as thesis students working on their bachelor’s degree in Geography in UNAM’s Faculty of Philosophy and Literature.

Phenology Network’s Objectives

Phenology Network’s Activities

Phenology Network’s Members

Colegio de Geografía de la UNAM